var BASEURL='';//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Globals //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var ZERO = 0; var ONE = 1; var NOVALUE = -1; // Variables for managing live game users display var showLivePlayerAlerts = window.localStorage.getItem('showLivePlayerAlerts') === '1'; var lobbyUserList = [], waitingUserList = [], playingUserList = []; var prevTotalLobby = [], prevTotalWaiting = []; //////////////////////////////////////////////// //// multi-play vars //////////////////////////////////////////////// var bHasMenu = true; var iUserID = NOVALUE; var userid; //this is used in the game, need to move it var cookies = { EmailAddress: "", Pass: "", Token: "", Existing: "" }; var myclient = NOVALUE; var sPlayerName = ""; var sRole = ""; var role = 'royal'; //needed for game var sBidSys = null; var existing = !!PagesGetCookie('Existing') || null; var sSlectedPage = "Main"; // var sSelectedPage = "Main"; var mydomain = getUrlVars()["site"]; if (mydomain == undefined) { mydomain = 'bridgedoctor'; } if (typeof domain !== "undefined") { if (domain == '_60secondbridge') { mydomain = '_60secondbridge'; } } var sixtysecUser; var sixtysecBidSys; if (mydomain == '_60secondbridge') { sixtysecUser = username; sixtysecBidSys = getUrlVars()["bidsys"]; sixtysecGame = getUrlVars()["game"]; sixtysecVal = getUrlVars()["val"]; sixtysecType = getUrlVars()["type"]; } // Load the firebase scripts and configure // Using this custom method rather than $.getScript because it caches the file, making subsequent requests a lot faster jQuery.cachedScript = function( url, options) { // Allow user to set any option except for dataType, cache, and url options = $.extend( options || {}, { dataType: "script", cache: true, url: url }); // Use $.ajax() since it is more flexible than $.getScript // Return the jqXHR object so we can chain callbacks return jQuery.ajax( options ); }; loadFirebase(); loadSweetAlert(); loadToastr(); // get variables from the url function getUrlVars() { var vars = {}; var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m, key, value) { vars[key] = value; }); return vars; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // onload //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// jQuery(document).ready(function() { function CheckBrowser() { var ua = navigator.userAgent, tem, M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie|trident(?=\/))\/?\s*(\d+)/i) || []; if (/trident/i.test(M[1])) { tem = /\brv[ :]+(\d+)/g.exec(ua) || []; return { name: 'IE', version: (tem[1] || '') }; } if (M[1] === 'Chrome') { tem = ua.match(/\bOPR\/(\d+)/) if (tem != null) { return { name: 'Opera', version: tem[1] }; } } M = M[2] ? [M[1], M[2]] : [navigator.appName, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; if ((tem = ua.match(/version\/(\d+)/i)) != null) { M.splice(1, 1, tem[1]); } return { name: M[0], version: M[1] }; } var b = CheckBrowser(); if (mydomain == '_60secondbridge') { sPlayerName = sixtysecUser; iUserID = 1; sBidSys = sixtysecBidSys; sRole = 'ok'; userid = iUserID; //bad, but need this for now in the game if (sRole == 'ok') { role = 'royal'; } else { role = sRole; } var sPage = "
Please wait a moment...
"; if (sixtysecGame == 'hands') { $('#stage').html(sPage); goToGame({ "myclient": 0, "uname": sPlayerName, "BidSys": sBidSys, "Game": "hands", "Val": 0 }); } else if (sixtysecGame == 'set') { GoMainMenu(); } else { var game, val, hand, type; game = sixtysecGame; val = sixtysecVal; hand = '1'; type = 'any'; if (sixtysecType != undefined) { type = sixtysecType; } if (game == 'learn') { game = 'coffee'; } $('#stage').html(sPage); goToGame({ "myclient": 0, "uname": sPlayerName, "BidSys": sBidSys, "Game": game, "Val": val, "Bn": hand, "Type": type }); } } else { if ( == 'MSIE' && b.version < 10) { var sPage = '

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We recommend that you use a more robust and secure web browser like the Google Chrome web browser.

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\ Contact Us\
'; $('#stage').html(sPage); } else { // Attempt login with values from the cookie CheckLogin('user', PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress'), PagesGetCookie('Pass'), 'Login', PagesGetCookie('Token'), function () { // Regardless of the outcome, go to the main menu GoMainMenu(); }); } } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // clicks //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // leave site $(document).on("click", "#LogOut", function() { cleanCookie(); sPlayerName = ""; sSelectedPage = "Main"; SignInPage("Main"); }); // click to go sign up page $(document).on("click", "#SignUp", function() { SignUpPage(); }); // click to go forgot page $(document).on("click", "#ForgotPass", function() { ForgotPasswordPage(); }); // hit sign in page sign in btn $(document).on("submit", "#loginForm", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($('#LoginEmail').val() == "") { $('#LoginError').html('Please enter a username'); } else if ($('#LoginPass').val() == "") { $('#LoginError').html('Please enter a password'); } else { var ele = $(this); var sBtn ='filtro'); CheckLogin('user', $('#LoginEmail').val(), $('#LoginPass').val(), 'Login'); } }); // check email information $(document).on("click", "#ForgotPassSubmit", function() { $('#LoginError').html(""); $('#LoginResult').html(""); var bError = false; var sErrorMsg = ""; // check email if ($('#Email').val() == "") { sErrorMsg = "Enter an Email Address"; bError = true; } else { sEmail = $('#Email').val(); } // check error if (bError == false) { CheckLogin('user', sEmail, 'pass', 'Forgot'); } else { $('#LoginError').html(sErrorMsg); } }); // check sign up information $(document).on("click", "#NewUserSubmit", function() { var bError = false; var sErrorMsg = ""; var sUserName; // check password if ($('#PassCheck').val() == "") { sErrorMsg = "Enter a password."; bError = true; } else { if ($('#PassCheck').val() == $('#CreatePass').val()) { sPass = $('#CreatePass').val(); } else { sErrorMsg = "Passwords don't match"; bError = true; } } // check user name if ($('#UserName').val() == "") { sErrorMsg = "Enter User Name"; bError = true; } else { sUserName = $('#UserName').val(); } // check email if ($('#Email').val() == "") { sErrorMsg = "Enter an Email Address"; bError = true; } else { sEmail = $('#Email').val(); } // check error if (bError == false) { $('#LoginError').html(""); CheckLogin(sUserName, sEmail, sPass, 'Register'); } else { $('#LoginError').html(sErrorMsg); } }); // hit first button to get into something $(document).on("click", "#FrontPage", function() { var ele = $(this); console.log("filtro " +'filtro')); sSelectedPage ='filtro'); //not quite right because if change user it doesn't update if (sPlayerName != "" && mydomain == '_60secondbridge') { gotoPage(); } else if (sPlayerName != "" && PagesGetCookie('Pass') != "") { gotoPage(); } else if (PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress') != "") { CheckLogin('user', PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress'), PagesGetCookie('Pass'), 'Login', PagesGetCookie('Token')); } else { SignInPage('sBtn'); } }); $(document).on("click", ".playbutton", function() { var linkid = $(this).attr('id'); var game, val, hand, type; var linkArr = linkid.split('/'); game = linkArr[0]; val = linkArr[1]; hand = linkArr[2]; type = linkArr[3]; if (game == 'learn') { game = 'coffee'; } var sPage = "
Please wait a moment...
"; $('#stage').html(sPage); goToGame({ "myclient": 0, "uname": sPlayerName, "BidSys": sBidSys, "Game": game, "Val": val, "Bn": hand, "Type": type }); }); // Find user for imitate $(document).on('click', '#findUser', function () { findUser(); }); // Search for specific email address $(document).on('click', '#findFromEmail', function () { var url = BASEURL + 'php/findUser.php'; var sData='Email=' + $('#email').val() + '&Token=' + PagesGetCookie('Token'); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: sData, success: function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.error) { alert('Server encountered a problem'); return; } var $result = $('#result'); if (data.length === 0) { $result.text('No results found'); return; } var results = ''; data.forEach(function (row) { results += ''; }); results += '
' + + '' + + '' + '
'; $result.html(results); } }) }); $(document).on('click', '.imitate-user', function () { var userId = $(this).data('user-id'); var email = $(this).data('user-email'); var url = BASEURL + 'php/imitateUser.php'; var sData='UserId=' + userId + '&Token=' + PagesGetCookie('Token'); jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: sData, success: function (data) { data = JSON.parse(data); if (!data.token) { alert('Server encountered a problem'); return; } PagesSetCookie('EmailAddress', email, 100); PagesSetCookie('Token', data.token, 100); PagesSetCookie('Pass', 'fakedata', 100); window.location.reload(); } }) }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ajax //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // check log in info function CheckLogin(sUser, sEmail, sPass, Action, sToken, cb) { var url = BASEURL + "php/Login.php"; var sData = 'Action=' + Action + '&User=' + sUser + '&Email=' + encodeURIComponent(sEmail) + '&Pass=' + sPass + '&mydomain=' + mydomain + '&'; sData += sToken ? 'Token=' + sToken + '&' : ''; jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: sData, success: function(data) { try { var dataObj = JSON.parse(data); // Only set the cookie once you've successfully logged in if(["MSG", "FAIL"].indexOf(dataObj.CONFIRMATION) > -1 || Action == 'Forgot') { cleanCookie() } else { PagesSetCookie('EmailAddress', sEmail, 100); PagesSetCookie('Pass', sPass, 100); PagesSetCookie('Token', dataObj.Token, 100); // Set the Existing value in the cookies so it can used next time the page loads PagesSetCookie('Existing', dataObj.Existing, 100); // Also set in-memory variables for use by the application sPlayerName = dataObj.PlayerName; iUserID = dataObj.UserID; sBidSys = dataObj.BidSys; existing = dataObj.Existing; sRole = dataObj.Role; userid = iUserID; //bad, but need this for now in the game email = dataObj.Email; if (sRole == 'ok') { role = 'royal'; } else { role = sRole; } logEvents.login(sPlayerName || PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress'), sRole) } } catch (e) { // continue } if (cb) cb(data) else PhpReply(data); }, error: function(errorThrown) { PagesUnsetCookie('EmailAddress'); PagesUnsetCookie('Pass'); PagesUnsetCookie('Token'); //jQuery('#currently').html("Error connecting to server, sorry. Please try again later: " + errorThrown); }, cache: false }); } // get print from php page function PhpReply(jd) { var Obj = jQuery.parseJSON(jd); if (Obj.CONFIRMATION == 'OK') { gotoPage(); } else if (Obj.CONFIRMATION == 'RESULT') { //SignInPage('sBtn') only for forgot $('#LoginResult').html(Obj.MSG); } else if (Obj.CONFIRMATION == 'MSG') { if (Obj.ACTION == 'Register') { SignUpPage(); } else { SignInPage('sBtn') } $('#LoginError').html(Obj.MSG); } else if (Obj.CONFIRMATION == 'FAIL') { //SignInPage('sBtn') if (Obj.ACTION == 'Register') { SignUpPage(); } else { SignInPage('sBtn') } $('#LoginError').html(Obj.MSG); } else { SignInPage('sBtn') $('#LoginError').html('Connection error'); } } var mode; function gotoPage() { mode = null; logEvents.visitPage(sPlayerName || PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress'), sSelectedPage,sRole); switch (sSelectedPage) { case "Practice": mode = 'practice'; if (sRole !== 'ok') { var handcounts = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('handcounts')); if (!handcounts) { handcounts = [new Date()] } else { handcounts = filterHandcountsAndAddDeal(handcounts); } if (handcounts.length > 1) { displayDailyLimitReached(); return; } window.localStorage.setItem('handcounts', JSON.stringify(handcounts)); } var sPage = "
Please wait a moment...
"; sPage += generateLiveGameUsersHtml(); $('#stage').html(sPage); goToGame({ "myclient": 0, "uname": sPlayerName, "BidSys": sBidSys, "Game": "hands", "Val": 0 }); break; case "Compete": var sPage = "
Please wait a moment...
"; sPage += generateLiveGameUsersHtml(); $('#stage').html(sPage); mode = 'compete' goToGame({ "myclient": 0, "uname": sPlayerName, "BidSys": sBidSys, "Game": "set", "Val": 1 }); break; case "Learn": //Forum({type:'post',linkid:1}); Forum({ type: 'postlist', linkid: 'questions' }); break; case "Ask": Forum({ type: 'post', linkid: 37 }); break; case "Videos": Forum({ type: 'post', linkid: 1226 }); break; case "Results": Results(); break; case "Live": Forum({ type: 'post', linkid: 1 }); break; case "Profile": ProfilePage(sRole); break; case "Main": GoMainMenu(); break; default: GoMainMenu(); break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pages //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function GoMainMenu() { // Only log if the user has aleady logged in and is therefore returning to the page // if (sPlayerName) { // logEvents.visitPage(sPlayerName, 'MainGrid',sRole); // } var sPage; var logintext; // just for display // if (sPlayerName != '') { //already logged in otherwise no sPlayerName logintext = 'Welcome back, ' + sPlayerName + ' (Log out)'; } else if (PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress') != "" && PagesGetCookie('Pass') != '') { //not logged in yet but has cookie logintext = 'Welcome back, ' + PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress') + ' (Log out)'; } else { //not logged in, no cookie logintext = 'Login  /  Register'; } // If this user is an admin, then add a Imitate User link if (PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress') === 'admin') { logintext += 'Imitate' } ////////////////////// if (mydomain == 'bridgedoctor') { sPage = '
\ ' + logintext + '\
\ \
\ Contact Us FAQs\
'; } else if (mydomain == '_60secondbridge') { sPage = '
\ Welcome back, ' + sixtysecUser + '\
\ \
'; } $('#stage').html(sPage); } // sign into account page function SignInPage(sBtn) { if (PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress') != "") { var sTempEmail = PagesGetCookie('EmailAddress'); var sTempPass = PagesGetCookie('Pass'); } else { var sTempEmail = ""; var sTempPass = ""; } var sPage = '
\ \ \
'; $('#stage').html(sPage); } // first page for non-users function SignUpPage() { var sPage = '
\ \ \
'; $('#stage').html(sPage); } // Forgot Password function ForgotPasswordPage() { var sPage = '
\ \ \
'; $('#stage').html(sPage); } // Find user function findUser () { var sPage = '
\ \ \
' $('#stage').html(sPage); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cookies //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function PagesSetCookie(c_name, value, exdays) { cookies[c_name] = value; var exdate = new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate() + exdays); var c_value = escape(value) + ((exdays == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + exdate.toUTCString()); document.cookie = c_name + "=" + c_value; } function PagesUnsetCookie(c_name) { cookies[c_name] = ""; setCookie(c_name, "", -1); } function PagesGetCookie(c_name) { if (cookies[c_name] != "") { return cookies[c_name]; } var i, x, y, ARRcookies = document.cookie.split(";"); for (i = 0; i < ARRcookies.length; i++) { x = ARRcookies[i].substr(0, ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=")); y = ARRcookies[i].substr(ARRcookies[i].indexOf("=") + 1); x = x.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (x == c_name) { return unescape(y); } } return ""; } function setCookie(name, value, daysUntilExpiry) { var expiryDate = new Date(); var expiryInMilliseconds = daysUntilExpiry * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; expiryDate.setTime(expiryDate.getTime() + expiryInMilliseconds); var expires = "expires=" + expiryDate.toUTCString(); document.cookie = name + "=" + value + ";" + expires + ";path=/"; } function loadFirebase() { $.cachedScript('') .then(function() { // Initialize Firebase var config={ apiKey: "AIzaSyDVsoM7sJyNMkk64E6lnnZy9FKlpbU-dxc", authDomain: "", databaseURL: "", storageBucket: "", messagingSenderId: "386488900970" };; firebase.initializeApp(config); }) } function loadAsyncStyleSheets(url) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); var rel = document.createAttribute('rel'); var href = document.createAttribute('href'); rel.value = 'stylesheet'; href.value = url; link.setAttributeNode(rel); link.setAttributeNode(href); head.appendChild(link); } function loadSweetAlert() { $.cachedScript(''); loadAsyncStyleSheets(''); } function loadToastr() { $.cachedScript('//'); loadAsyncStyleSheets('//'); } function generateLiveGameUsersHtml() { var html = '
' + '
Do you want to be alerted every time a user joins the live game?
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
'; // Initial attempt to see if Firebase is instantiated listenToFirebase(); initialiseToastr(); $(document).on('click', 'input[name=alertLiveGameUsers]:radio', function() { if ($('#radio_yes:checked').length) { window.localStorage.setItem('showLivePlayerAlerts', '1') } else { window.localStorage.setItem('showLivePlayerAlerts', '0') } showLivePlayerAlerts = window.localStorage.getItem('showLivePlayerAlerts') === '1'; }); return html } function listenToFirebase() { window.setTimeout(function () { if (firebase) { firebase.database().ref('chat/lobby-users').on('value', managerUsers.bind(this, lobbyUserList, '#lobby_users')); firebase.database().ref('chat/waiting-users').on('value', managerUsers.bind(this, waitingUserList, '#waiting_users')); firebase.database().ref('chat/playing-users').on('value', managerUsers.bind(this, playingUserList, '#playing_users')); } else { listenToFirebase(); } }, 1000); } function initialiseToastr() { window.setTimeout(function () { if (toastr) { toastr.options = { "closeButton": false, "debug": false, "newestOnTop": false, "progressBar": false, "positionClass": "toast-bottom-full-width", "preventDuplicates": false, "onclick": null, "showDuration": "300", "hideDuration": "1000", "timeOut": "3000", "extendedTimeOut": "1000", "showEasing": "swing", "hideEasing": "linear", "showMethod": "fadeIn", "hideMethod": "fadeOut" } } else { initialiseToastr() } }, 1000); } function filterHandcountsAndAddDeal(handcounts) { var ONE_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000; var yesterday = new Date((new Date()) - (ONE_HOUR * 24)); yesterday.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999); handcounts = handcounts.filter(function(handdate) { return (yesterday - new Date(handdate)) < 0}); handcounts.push(new Date()); return handcounts; } function displayDailyLimitReached() { var message = 'Replay this hand from different seats or upgrade to a premium membership to enjoy unlimited practice hands, unlimited competion hands, participate in forums and play live bridge online'; if (swal) { swal({ title: "Today's Hand Limit Reached", text: message, type: "warning", html: true, confirmButtonColor: "green", confirmButtonText: "Upgrade Me", showCancelButton: true, cancelButtonText: 'Maybe Later', closeOnConfirm: true }, function (confirm) { if (confirm) { window.location.href = "" + sPlayerName } } ); } else { alert(message); } } function managerUsers(listVar, selector, snapshot) { var difference; selector = selector || '#waiting_users'; listVar.length = 0; const usersObj = snapshot.val(); for (var user in usersObj) { listVar.push(usersObj[user].name) } if (listVar == lobbyUserList) { // Check which user list we've been passed, and concat it with the other // Determine if to show a toastr alert difference = listVar.filter(function(x) { return prevTotalLobby.indexOf(x) == -1 }); if (difference.length && showLivePlayerAlerts) { toastr['info']('User' + (difference.length > 1 ? 's ' : ' ') + difference.join(', ') + (difference.length > 1 ? ' are' : ' is') + ' waiting in the Lobby') } // Clone the array prevTotalLobby = listVar.slice(0); } else if (listVar === waitingUserList) { difference = listVar.filter(function(x) { return prevTotalWaiting.indexOf(x) == -1 }); if (difference.length && showLivePlayerAlerts) { toastr['info']('User' + (difference.length > 1 ? 's ' : ' ') + difference.join(', ') + (difference.length > 1 ? ' are' : ' is') + ' waiting in a room') } // Clone the array prevTotalWaiting = listVar.slice(0); } var html = ''; $(selector).html(html); } var logEvents = { login: function(username, subscriberStatus) { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: 'login', eventAction: username, eventLabel: subscriberStatus }); }, visitPage: function(username, sectionName, subscriberStatus) { ga('send', { hitType: 'event', eventCategory: sectionName, eventAction: username, eventLabel: subscriberStatus }); } } function cleanCookie() { PagesUnsetCookie('Pass'); PagesUnsetCookie('Token'); PagesUnsetCookie('EmailAddress'); } // hijack events function getHandCounts() { var handcounts = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('handcounts')); if (!handcounts) { handcounts = [new Date()] } else { handcounts = filterHandcountsAndAddDeal(handcounts); } window.localStorage.setItem('handcounts', JSON.stringify(handcounts)); return handcounts } $(document).off('click', '.gamelink'); $(document).on('click', '.gamelink', function(e) { var linkid; linkid = $(this).attr('id'); if (sRole !== 'ok' && linkid === 'confirm_deal') { e.stopImmediatePropagation() if (mode === 'practice') { var handcounts = getHandCounts(); if (handcounts.length <= 1) { myGame.onBtnClicked(linkid); return; } } displayDailyLimitReached(); } }); $(document).on('click', '.bidbtn', function (e) { var linkid; linkid = $(this).attr('id'); if (sRole !== 'ok' && linkid === 'ContactText') { e.stopImmediatePropagation() if (mode === 'practice') { var handcounts = getHandCounts(); if (handcounts.length <= 1) { myGame.WheelBidClicked(); } else { displayDailyLimitReached(); } } else { displayDailyLimitReached(); } } })